Contact Us

Movilla Abbey Church
63 Movilla Road
BT23 8EZ

Tel: 07902863222 or
028 9181 9794


Opening Hours

MON 9.00am- 12 noon
TUES 9.00am- 12 noon
WED 9.00am- 12 noon
THURS 9.00am- 12 noon
FRI 9.00am- 12 noon for playgroup
FRI 9.00am -11:30am for nursery LUNCH CLUB
Monday-Thursday 12 noon-1 pm

All Sessions- Term Time

Dates for your Diary

Holiday Calendar 2024-2025
First Day Back: Tuesday 27th August
Hallowe'en Half- Term: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November Staff Development Day (nursery closed): Monday 4th November Christmas: Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January Staff Development Day: Monday 10th February (Nursery and playgroup closed) Half Term: Tuesday 11th February - Friday 14th February Easter: Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April May Day: Monday 5th May Last day: Friday 27th June

Latest News



Welcome to Movilla Playgroup and Nursery

Movilla Playgroup and Nursery is a private Playgroup and a Government-funded Nursery.  It was founded in 1983 and is owned and managed by Diane McIntyre and Lauren Irvine.  We are located in Movilla Abbey Church, although we are not affiliated to the Church.

We have two groups –

  • Playgroup

For children aged 2 years 10 mths-3 years.  We have 16 places available each day.  Children can attend  5 days (Monday-Friday), 3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), or 2 days (Tuesday, Thursday).

  • Nursery

For pre-school children aged 3-4 years.  We have 26 places and children attend 5 days per week.


The two groups follow the same policies and curriculum at a level relevant to their age and stage of development.  The setting offers a wide range of stimulating learning materials (indoors and outdoors) which assists staff to carefully plan for the provision of the six areas of learning as set down by the Northern Ireland Curriculum Guidance for Pre-school Education.

Both groups are registered with Social Services and also with Early Years. We are part of the Government’s Pre-school Expansion Programme through which we offer 26 funded pre-school places each year.

We have close links with local primary schools, as well as education and health-related professionals.



“Delighted at the fabulous progress that my child has made and it is down to the fantastic staff that are here, their friendliness, enthusiasm and encouragement has no limits! Can’t recommend it highly enough or thank the staff for their hard work.”   A Parent